Friday, August 27, 2010

How to handle a phone call after your first date?

Every woman has a tendency to pursue a guy. This normally happens after the first date when she feels so attracted to him. She feels too excited, her heart beats faster, smiling all the time and her brain is spinning fast. She keeps asking the same question over and over again...Should I call him or not? I bet you're one of those women who don't know what to do after your first encounter with the man of your dreams. If you are in the middle of this situation, Are you going to call him immediately? Or wait until he calls you?

This is an easy question if you're not in the situation. You'll probably say, “I am not gonna call him!” Men on the other hand are different.Most of them simply disconnect and they don't call immediately.

A guy friend of mine said, he waits for the right time to make his next move. It's like playing a chess game he plans for his next move before calling her again for a second date. That is, if he's head over heels attracted to a woman. Some other guy, they do not call at all. If he doesn't call that means he's not interested with you, or he is busy “shopping” for other women to date.

What if you are really attracted to the guy? Hmmm... your brain is still asking the same question, Should you call him first or wait until he calls you? Tricky and Difficult isn't it? As a woman you don't want to look desperate and easy to get!

Anybody easily becomes anxious and worn out if the heart is already involve. Being stressed out after your first date is not good at all. Just relax and enjoy the moment, do your normal activities and don't stare at your phone all day every minute waiting for his call. It is not even a good idea to feeling sorry and wonder why he is not keeping in touch after your date.

Here are some key points to help you overcome your First Date Aftermath:

1. Think positive and always keep in mind that you are attractive and you have good qualities to be proud of.

2. Bear in mind that guys should always initiate the first call. Men want to pursue the woman of their dreams.

3. If you can't control your heart and you are so eager to call him, it's better to send a short text message. Just say hi, and let him know you enjoyed your time with him.

4. Remember, most men are distancers, they need space and they don't want to talk too much over the phone. One important point you must remember, If a man really likes you, he will  initiate the first move to connect and ask you for a second date. In the event when you think you like each other, here are some tips to keep your dating going.

1. First, avoid being too available. Even if you really like the guy you must learn when and when not to answer his calls.I didn't mean ignore him. It's like solving a puzzle. Let him know you're doing just fine but you're busy at the moment. This way you're making him wonder. When you stir his curiosity, his tendency is to pursue you more.

2. Communication is very important in a relationship but it is best to maintain a balance telephone conversation.It is advised to make your phone conversations LIGHT, SHORT, AND SWEET (LSS). 

Maintaining a LIGHT, SHORT, and SWEET phone conversation creates an extreme excitement on the part of the guy wanting to talk more and to be with you personally. At your end you want to experience the same personal and intimate encounter.Being together is the only way you can be truly connected.