Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt, and Marisa Tomei. I find the movie entertaining,
interesting and funny. In this movie Gibson has the ability to hear what
women are thinking, a man is listening to women's desires.
Certainly a man always asks a woman what does she wants from the beginning of their dating period, until they get married. Men Constantly ask "What do you want?" It is very important for a man to know what pleases a woman, i guess it makes them feel better.
My answer is simple...a woman in general finds happiness and contentment when she is truly loved and cherished by her man.
The Woman on the other hand also asks questions like, How can a woman make his man love her truthfully? What Do Men Really Want?
Every now and then we hear stories of failed relationships. Men of different status in life ordinary or successful seem to be tempted in having flings or extra marital relationships. The latest controversy Tiger Woods---i'm pretty sure you heard the story's been in the news for weeks. I find myself thinking what's the most important quality a woman should possess to make sure that her man stays in love with her for the rest of their lives.
What Do Men Really Want? Think, Think, Think...I kept thinking, researching, reading articles for answers. My curiosity seems to increase when it seems like the answer is too many, most women possess those qualities and yet it seems not enough for a man. I am thinking there is probably a unique quality in a woman they simply fall in love head over heels to a woman.
Since i can't find the answer, i just stopped thinking about it, one morning i decided to clean my mate's bookshelf, a stack of pink pocket books caught my attention. The title reads the same, making me raise my eye brow and wonder why is he keeping six books of the same title, " Fascinating Womanhood" written by Helen B. Andelin. When i read the introduction and browsed a few pages i am convinced i finally found the answer to " What Men Really Want?" In her book Andelin shared principles a woman can apply in winning a man's genuine love.According to her the ideal woman in a man's point of view is divided into two parts.
1. The Angelic Side of a Woman which represents her good character, her ability to understand men, their feelings, needs, and sensitive nature.
2. The Human Side which describes a woman's appearance, manner, actions and includes the charms of feminity and good health.
These characteristics according to her make a woman perfect in the eyes of a man, essential in winning a man's love with all his heart and soul with complete adoration.
Why are these qualities so important in a man's point of view? Are there women in this world who possess these qualities? The answer is YES! it's amazing to know that these women experienced great love and happiness from their husband. The author calls it CELESTIAL LOVE- a deep feeling within, more intense, spontaneous, and dynamic.
Join me as I learn more about "The Kind of Woman a Man Wants." as i continue reading " Fascinating Womanhood. I will share more of what i digest from the author in my next blog.