Monday, February 22, 2010

Photography-Capturing the Beauty and Wonder of Nature...

Capturing special moments, and nature's beauty is one of my hobby. I find happiness when i take pictures of my family and friends during their un-guarded moments. Stolen shot captures the natural beauty and emotions of people. They complain when i do that, they think i'm making fun of them. I admit sometimes i do it for fun. I also want to record their funny moments! I just wanna bring laughters that's all, but i never meant to ridicule...
Anyway, since photography is my hobby i make sure that i always bring my camera with me wherever i go. I also make sure that i have lots of extra batteries. I feel upset whenever i run out of batteries specially when i'm in a place where there's no store around. It happened to me a few times and i started practicing being a girl scout. Now i don't have a problem i have a dozen of rechargeable batteries.

Oh well, i just one to share some of the pictures i took while travelling with my honey. He doesn't want me to take picrures of him but he wants me to take pictures of the places we visit. I'm thankful we share the same passion. Here they are...


Looking at these pictures brings joy to my heart. No matter how difficult life nowadays... people become stressful, sometimes situation turns ugly, calamities strike but still there are so many things around us worth admiring. I always enjoy and love being with nature, its' wonders and beauty. 

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