Friday, August 27, 2010

How to handle a phone call after your first date?

Every woman has a tendency to pursue a guy. This normally happens after the first date when she feels so attracted to him. She feels too excited, her heart beats faster, smiling all the time and her brain is spinning fast. She keeps asking the same question over and over again...Should I call him or not? I bet you're one of those women who don't know what to do after your first encounter with the man of your dreams. If you are in the middle of this situation, Are you going to call him immediately? Or wait until he calls you?

This is an easy question if you're not in the situation. You'll probably say, “I am not gonna call him!” Men on the other hand are different.Most of them simply disconnect and they don't call immediately.

A guy friend of mine said, he waits for the right time to make his next move. It's like playing a chess game he plans for his next move before calling her again for a second date. That is, if he's head over heels attracted to a woman. Some other guy, they do not call at all. If he doesn't call that means he's not interested with you, or he is busy “shopping” for other women to date.

What if you are really attracted to the guy? Hmmm... your brain is still asking the same question, Should you call him first or wait until he calls you? Tricky and Difficult isn't it? As a woman you don't want to look desperate and easy to get!

Anybody easily becomes anxious and worn out if the heart is already involve. Being stressed out after your first date is not good at all. Just relax and enjoy the moment, do your normal activities and don't stare at your phone all day every minute waiting for his call. It is not even a good idea to feeling sorry and wonder why he is not keeping in touch after your date.

Here are some key points to help you overcome your First Date Aftermath:

1. Think positive and always keep in mind that you are attractive and you have good qualities to be proud of.

2. Bear in mind that guys should always initiate the first call. Men want to pursue the woman of their dreams.

3. If you can't control your heart and you are so eager to call him, it's better to send a short text message. Just say hi, and let him know you enjoyed your time with him.

4. Remember, most men are distancers, they need space and they don't want to talk too much over the phone. One important point you must remember, If a man really likes you, he will  initiate the first move to connect and ask you for a second date. In the event when you think you like each other, here are some tips to keep your dating going.

1. First, avoid being too available. Even if you really like the guy you must learn when and when not to answer his calls.I didn't mean ignore him. It's like solving a puzzle. Let him know you're doing just fine but you're busy at the moment. This way you're making him wonder. When you stir his curiosity, his tendency is to pursue you more.

2. Communication is very important in a relationship but it is best to maintain a balance telephone conversation.It is advised to make your phone conversations LIGHT, SHORT, AND SWEET (LSS). 

Maintaining a LIGHT, SHORT, and SWEET phone conversation creates an extreme excitement on the part of the guy wanting to talk more and to be with you personally. At your end you want to experience the same personal and intimate encounter.Being together is the only way you can be truly connected.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Garden Of Love

You have a simple style
To make me smile
It is amazing
You do it with perfect timing.

When my day is not good
And I am in bad mood
With your simple hello
I let my worries go.

You’re my spring of hope every in every season
Planting seeds of inspiration
Storms rush in
To my surprise, I never give in.

The love you share with me
Oh, it is beautiful…it is lovely
It’s like a garden within my heart
Growing slowly…. eternally.

Now That I Found You

I found in you a friend, who is always there for me,
You sit with me in silence,
And listen to all my grief,
When no one even cares, you wipe my tears away.

I found in you a companion, who accepted me for who I am.
Even if I act silly, you still say, “that’s okay.”
Even things are not so funny,
We can find ways to have a good laugh.

I found in you a lifetime partner, whom I honestly adore.
You love me without measure,
A person so sweet and a great lover,
My man who wants to be with me now and forever…

Now, that I found you…
Now, that I have you…
All I want…
Is to share my life with you!

In My Quiet Moments

In my quiet moments
I think of you
I close my eyes
So that all I can see is you.

When I close my eyes,
I can see your smile,
It brightens my day,
I suddenly feel okay.

I remain to close my eyes
To hear your voice and laughter,
I even hear your whisper,
It’s like a melody or love song in my ear.

The beat of your heart is real,
The aura of your soul is clear,
Is showed me that you’re a good person,
Not a fool.

I can feel the joy in my heart,
Every time I close my eyes,
I’m thankful I met you.
I hope at all times you will be true.

When Our Twilight Comes

As we travel our journey,
Many things will change naturally,
Our hairs will turn to gray,
Our age will add yearly,
Wrinkles in our skin will multiply,
We will then get old and ugly,
But we will always stay happy.

I see you and me in the future,
One day, our knees will be weaker,
And our eyes become blur,
I promise to be your light,
And you will be my strength,
As we grow older, the more we love each other.

In the future we’ll reminisce together,
The memories of our younger years,
Hand in hand we will face the dawn of our life,
This will happen - we can never stop.
But one thing will never change,
You and Me will always be in-love when our twilight comes.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ride a Segway, She will love you all the way!

Are you looking for something fun to do on a week-end? If you are dating someone, you’re answer is definitely YES! I’m sure you want something to do with your special someone besides dining out in a fancy restaurant and watching a movie. You want to do something with her which both of you will definitely enjoy and most importantly an activity that will bring you closer together.

Riding a tandem bike with your date is fun and exciting especially when you climb up and down a hill; it is also romantic when you finally cruise on a scenic area like the beach for example. You can sit down together, relax, talk and enjoy the view of the sunset. I’ve asked every couple in San Francisco who rode the tandem bike if they liked it and the woman instantly replied with a big smile and suggested to go for it. That means she liked it very much…and I noticed the glow in her eyes while holding his hand.

If you did this already and she enjoyed it then you need a follow up date to bring you closer to her heart to the next level. What about riding a Segway? This is less physical but very interesting. I remember when my mate asked me if I want to ride a Segway, I didn’t say no but deep inside I was hesitant. In my mind, I’m not sure if I can balance myself riding it. Oh well, there’s only one way to find out, go for it and take the ride.

We went to Pacifica, CA where there is a Segway rental and tour. The Manager warmly greeted us and immediately asked if we’re familiar with the Segway and if we know how to ride and operate it. I said,” It’s my first time”. He said not to worry, “It’s easy”. He further emphasized that “Women are better Segway riders; it’s a piece of cake.” That statement made me feel comfortable and confident.

To make the story short, we went for a tour guided ride after a few minutes of explanation how the Segway works, the safety guides and a few minutes of practice. It was so fun! It’s a totally different experience! We did a historic scenic tour of the city and the final destination is climbing the top of the hill. I can’t believe we’re able to climb the top of the hill easily with the Segway. On top we sat, breath the fresh air coming from the ocean, and enjoy the magnificent view of nature. Holding hands, I thanked my mate for a wonderful experience and we just felt so connected with each other.

Here is the secret, when the tour guide said that Women are better Segway riders than men, Instantly, I appreciated my mate in asking me to do the activity. I thought, it was so nice of him to do something that will show that a woman is better than a man in some ways…Normally men want to do activities with their date where they excel to earn a plus point. Sometimes it doesn’t work that way.

Before I forget I just want to share some information about the Segway. What is a Segway? It is a two-wheeled self-balancing scooter, a personal transporter that is electrically powered and it uses the latest in sensory technology. According Segway Inc. “If there's a feeling you get when trying a Segway product, it's like it can almost read your mind. Well, it's not magic. It's the combination of propulsion, energy, inertial sensing and an incredibly intuitive user interface that enables a ride that will force you to hold back a smile. “That is so true, when you’re on it for the first time. You hold back a smile and your focus is more on absorbing the experience, and the excitement of it. After the ride, you’ll surely display the biggest beautiful smile ever.

Don’t think twice, just go for it and enjoy the experience. I’m sure you want to see her wear a beautiful smile after your date. Don’t forget to bring her to a fine dining restaurant after the tour so you can share your experience together and hold on to that connection.

Next time, bring her to a roller coaster ride to level up your connection. This time, I’m pretty sure she’ll give you a tight hug. Have fun dating! Don’t forget, Ride the Segway; she’ll love you all the way!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Jump High to the Sky!

Jump high and reach the sky! I used to scream these words as a kid while jumping with my brother and cousins. I enjoyed running around, jumping, flipping, and tumbling on top of pillows and bed. We giggle and laugh while jumping endlessly...of course that's when our folks are not around. I remember using all my convincing powers to my cousins to jump and play wih me. Reason no. 1, they are afraid to be caught jumping on top of the bed because it will cause us a on each butt. Normally i get a NO! from them. Hmmm...I convince them by saying..."Sa TV nga nakahiga yung elepante sa kama, mas mabigat pa yun sa ating lahat.(On TV the elephant is lying on the bed, we're not that heavy)The bed is "Salem, Ang Hari ng Tibay." I will show them the tag, and  jump ahead as high as i can.

After a few minutes they'll all jump at the same time...Ohhh they were jealous coz i am enjoying my self jumping as high as I can, screaming yeheey to the max!!! That was pure fun!!! I miss those moments in my life...and once in a while i wish i am a kid again...jumping high trying to reach the sky. No worries just giggling, laughing, and having fun!!!!

At last my wish was granted! young again...jumping sky high just like the old days. Thanks to a friend who posted on his wall being sore but had lots of fun jumping, bouncing and flipping 2 hours at "Sky High Sports."

We checked it out immediately, and the place was great. Everyone is having and adults alike. The energy around is positive, I see  every face smiling, laughing...definitely enjoying the jump.
Yes, just like my friend I felt sore after the jump but it's worth it. I did an hour jump of so much fun, I felt young again, brought back my good memories as a kid, a good exercise, and took away all my stress. It's amazing, kids love the place and I love it too! Sky High Sports is a lot of fun. No wonder it was named the Best Party Venue in the South Bay.

I don't know...I just love jumping and I enjoy doing it.  When I jump, it makes my spirit free, life seems to be stress free, happy and healthy. Oh well, i would surely go back at Sky High Sports to jump high and reach the sky!!! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

At Jollibee there are good friends like Cristy...

If you ask any kid in the Philippines, "where do you want to go?" Excitedly he'll answer Jollibee!!! Kids not only love the chicken joy, they also love to greet the Jollibee mascot walking around, plus the play pen inside the restaurant.

Every kid find so much joy eating in every Jollibee, a place for them to celebrate their birthdays and make friends with other kids.
Jollibee isn't just for kids, adults love it too. Most workers rush to Jollibee during lunch time, some sit and eat for a business meeting, others dine in to get together.
As for me, I love Jollibee not just because i love their chicken joy but because there I met one of my treasured friend-Cristy.
Cristy and I became friends because of Charity. Back then, She was the branch Manager at Jollibee Cubao. We were introduced to each other by Maui-her service crew.

Maui was in desperate need for help to save her baby from the rare and deadly disease biliary atresia. I can't forget the day when she approached me while eating at Jollibee Aurora. She asked if I am a reporter, I answered no, I'm a news writer/program producer. Tearfully she said, "Ma'am please help my baby." She showed the picture of her ailing baby Patricia. How could i say No... In short, I promised to help her, and from that day on, Cristy and I became friends working together in helping baby Patricia to get a liver transplant.

Cristy and I have one thing in brought us together. Because of Charity we are able to find good friends like Mabel and Rommel, Noeme and Jaron who joined us in helping baby Patricia. I can't imagine how all of us, squeezed our busy time to meet and take part in fund raising activities to the point of producing a benefit concert.

Jollibee played a very important role in our goal to save baby Patricia. Jollibee Foods Corporation's staffs and crews supported this great cause, allowing donation cans in every Jollibee restaurant, and sponsored the benefit concert. Everybody at Jollibee cared and expressed their support. An unforgetable moment of good christian virtue.

We  all did our best to help the baby but only God can prolong her life. We lost Patricia but she lives in our hearts and memory.  She left one thing to us...a Good Friendship.

Cristy and I became real good friends together with Mabel, Noeme, Jaron and Rommel. We laughed and cried together, shared our own individual problems and triumphs. Although we seldom see each other, we know in our hearts that each one is a treasure.  We all believe that:
" Friendship without self-interest is one of the rare and beautiful things in life." James Byrne
Cristy is always soft-spoken, the kind of friend who is always ready to give a helping hand and to share the most comforting words to make you feel better and never lose hope in life. I am proud to be her friend.

These days whenever i go to a Jollibee i enjoy eating the crispy chicken joy more. Every bite reminds me of Cristy and our friends, every memory we shared together. I say, sa Jollibee ang saya-saya. I miss you guys...hope to see u soon!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mom, Thank you and We love you so...

Looking back when i was still a child,
Back then our life was a struggle,
I witnessed your sacrifice day by day,
Mom u strived so hard to give us a good life.

Every night you bend your knees,
In your prayers I hear you weep,
Asking for blessings, life, and strength,
For the sake of us- your children.

Even if your days are filled with challenges
 Even if your heart is filled with aches,
 You remain brave and strong,
 Always ready to protect us if something goes wrong.

You raised me and my siblings with eternal faith in God,
You inspire us with your unwavering love,
You wipe our tears when the night is lonely,
And wrapped us in your arms to cast our worries away.

Mother there's no way we will be able to repay,
All your love and sacrifices for us,
Until now you support us in our journey,
Ready to give a hand in every way.

We seldom say it but we want you to know,
Me and my siblings know how much you love us.
For us you're a great inspiration...
Thank you so much....Mom ,we love you so...

Monday, May 3, 2010

How can a Woman Stir a Man's Heart?

Most women put too much effort in making themselves look beautiful to be able to win a man's love. They think that beauty is on top of a man's priority list of the qualities a woman must have.

Is beauty really the number one quality a woman must have to awaken his love. Does beauty makes a man truly happy in a relationship?

Most men say that beauty is significant since the first step in a relationship is physical attraction. A man and a woman normally admire a certain physical characteristic such as his or her warm smile, tantalizing eyes, shiny hair, and other physical attibutes. Beauty according to most men is relevant but it isn't the most important.

Naturally women spend hours putting on their make up, choosing a nice dress, jewelry, perfume, and doing other things to make sure that they always look attractive. You can't blame a woman to do this because she wants to please the man of her dreams.
Many believe in the famous saying "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder." Yes it's true, i sometimes observe a good looking guy who is happily inlove with a simple looking gal, some are puzzled. Indeed, a man perceives a woman beautiful in different ways.

Helen Andelin-author of Fascinating Womanhood shared success stories of relationships/marriages and enumerated the important qualities of the women who are able to stimulate the love of their husbands with complete devotion. Surprisingly these women seem to have if not the same, closely similar traits.

I am convince that the answer to the question, "How can a woman stir a man's love?" is when a woman has the following personality.

1. A woman must have a happy spirit. A man admires a woman who has happiness of her own, who is   
    able to greet each day with a smile and love in her heart. Any man doesn't want to be with somebody who
    is constantly pouting and irritable. A man desires a woman who can make his day stress free.

2. She must act  femininely. He expects his woman to act and speak with grace and elegance. Sometimes
    a man is fascinated with a lady who has a child-like character who displays her need to be protected.
    Remember that a man's nature is to provide protection and support for a woman. Even if you are an
    independent woman capable of taking care of yourself, you must show that you depend on him.

3. A Woman must be of Good Character who is  able to understand his needs, who is trusting and who
    notices and gives credit to his efforts. A man loves to be admired, it boosts his confidence.

4.A woman must know how to be a good Homemaker- Never forget that "The way to a man's heart is
    through his stomach" as woman you must know how to cook with your heart. You should be able to
    prepare a healthy meal and avoid ready to serve meals from the store.You must know how to organize
    and maintain a relaxing, clutter free home.

 You don't need to be a super model to arouse a man's deep affection for you. All  you need is to have a woman's character from a man's point of view. To make it simple, Man are more fascinated to a woman who is beautiful inside.

Check out Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin for further reading, i can say it's a good book and you'll be able to learn a lot from it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Do Men Really Want?

I remember the romantic comedy movie "What Women Want? " with       
Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt, and Marisa Tomei. I find the movie entertaining,
 interesting and funny. In this movie Gibson has the ability to hear what
women are thinking, a man is listening to women's desires.

Certainly a man always asks a woman what does she wants from the beginning of their dating period, until they get married. Men Constantly ask "What do you want?"  It is very important for a man to know what pleases a woman, i guess it makes them feel better.

My answer is simple...a woman in general finds happiness and contentment when she is truly loved and cherished by her man.

The Woman on the other hand also asks questions like, How can a woman make his man love her truthfully? What Do Men Really Want?

Every now and then we hear stories of failed relationships. Men of different status in life ordinary or successful seem to be tempted in having flings or extra marital relationships. The latest controversy Tiger Woods---i'm pretty sure you heard the story's been in the news for weeks. I find myself thinking what's the most important quality a woman should possess to make sure that her man stays in love with her for the rest of their lives.

What Do Men Really Want? Think, Think, Think...I kept thinking, researching, reading articles for answers. My curiosity seems to increase when it seems like the answer is too many, most women possess those qualities and yet it seems not enough for a man. I am thinking there is probably a unique quality in a woman they simply fall in love head over heels to a woman.

Since i can't find the answer, i just stopped thinking about it, one morning i decided to clean my mate's bookshelf,  a stack of pink pocket books caught my attention. The title reads the same, making me raise my eye brow and wonder why is he keeping six books of the same title, " Fascinating Womanhood" written by Helen B. Andelin. When i read the introduction and browsed a few pages i am convinced i finally found the answer to " What Men Really Want?" In her book Andelin shared principles a woman can apply in winning a man's genuine love.According to her the ideal woman in a man's point of view is divided into two parts.

1. The Angelic Side of a Woman which represents her good character, her ability to understand men, their feelings, needs, and sensitive nature.
2. The Human Side which describes a woman's appearance, manner, actions and includes the charms of feminity and good health.
These characteristics according to her make a woman perfect in the eyes of a man,  essential in winning a man's love with all his heart and soul with complete adoration.

Why are these qualities so important in a man's point of view? Are there women in this world who possess these qualities? The answer is YES! it's amazing to know that these women experienced great love and happiness from their husband. The author calls it CELESTIAL LOVE- a deep feeling within, more intense, spontaneous, and dynamic.

Join me as I learn more about "The Kind of Woman a Man Wants." as i continue reading " Fascinating Womanhood. I will share more of what i digest from the author in my next blog.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Photography-Capturing the Beauty and Wonder of Nature...

Capturing special moments, and nature's beauty is one of my hobby. I find happiness when i take pictures of my family and friends during their un-guarded moments. Stolen shot captures the natural beauty and emotions of people. They complain when i do that, they think i'm making fun of them. I admit sometimes i do it for fun. I also want to record their funny moments! I just wanna bring laughters that's all, but i never meant to ridicule...
Anyway, since photography is my hobby i make sure that i always bring my camera with me wherever i go. I also make sure that i have lots of extra batteries. I feel upset whenever i run out of batteries specially when i'm in a place where there's no store around. It happened to me a few times and i started practicing being a girl scout. Now i don't have a problem i have a dozen of rechargeable batteries.

Oh well, i just one to share some of the pictures i took while travelling with my honey. He doesn't want me to take picrures of him but he wants me to take pictures of the places we visit. I'm thankful we share the same passion. Here they are...


Looking at these pictures brings joy to my heart. No matter how difficult life nowadays... people become stressful, sometimes situation turns ugly, calamities strike but still there are so many things around us worth admiring. I always enjoy and love being with nature, its' wonders and beauty. 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Love is a Matter Of Choice

It's not everyday we find a person who knows how to share the True Meaning of Love, People come and go in our lives, most of them are just acquaintances, some we get to know, a few stays in our life who become our friends, and through our life's journey we eventually find that one person whom you feel so connected deep into your self and occupies the very special place in your heart permanently- we call it our Lifetime Partner.

Many ask the question, When will I find the Right Person? I want To share this piece which was sent to me by one of my dear friend. This was also sent to her by a friend. Nobody knows who wrote it. But i tell you the person who wrote this poem nailed it.The message is straight and touches my heart and the message runs deep in my soul. Here it is...

"Love, Chance and Choice"

When we meet the right person to love when we're at the right place at the right time,

that's chance.

When you meet someone you're attracted to, that's not a choice.

That's chance.

Being caught up in a moment (and there's a lot of couples who get together because of this) is not a choice. That's also a chance.

The difference is what happens afterwards.

When will you take that infatuation, that crush, that mind-blowing attraction to the next level?

That's when all sanity goes back,

you sit down and contemplate whether you want to make this into a concrete relationship or just a fling.

If you decide to love a person, even with his faults, that's not a chance.

That's choice.

When you choose to be with a person, no matter what,

that's choice.

Even if you know there are many people out there who are more attractive, smarter, and richer than your mate, and yet, you decide to love your mate just the same,

that's choice.

Infatuation, crushes, attraction comes to us by chance.

But true love that lasts is truly a choice.

A choice that we make.

Regarding soul mates, there's a beautiful movie quote that I believe is true:

" Fate brings you together, but it's still up to you to make it happen."

I do believe that soul mates do exist.
That there is truly someone made for you.

But it's still up to you to make the choice if you're going to do something about it or not.We may meet our soul mates by chance, but loving and staying with our soul mates is still a choice we have to make.

We came to the world not by finding someone perfect to love... BUT.. to learn how to love an imperfect person perfectly... 

Conclusion: it is not the matter how to find someone perfect to love,
but how to love someone imperfect perfectly .....

Love itself is a choice.

I enjoy reading this piece, whoever wrote it, I'm so thankful. It is true. Love is a choice we make. Love in its' true essence doesn't find fault, it finds the Best out of the person you love. My mate once wrote me a letter and he said....I am not that good at expressing my feelings towards you in words. I hope someday i can tell you everything i feel about you and how much you inspire me. Just know that you have a big place in my heart even if i don't say it much. Oh well that was one of his short messages but i know for sure that he really mean it. To hear "I Love You "from the person you love is so precious, it brings so much happiness. It is magical. My mate chooses to say the three magic words in different ways. I love it. I hope you too enjoy reading the poem "Love, Chance and Choice" it is an eye opener.